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The Epistemological Quest: From the Possibility of Experience to the Possibility of Communication

Organon F, 2003, roč. 10, č. 4, s. 357-379.
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Počet prístupov: 10,141
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Naposledy zobrazené: 26.01.2025 - 14:29

The paper entitled “The Epistemological Quest: From the Possibility of Experience to the Possibility of Communication” (Organon F, 10, 2003, No. 4, 357-379) published under the name of Mahmoud Khatami was withdrawn from our web page. It turned out that the paper was almost a verbatim copy of another work which appeared as a book chapter written by someone else (Andrew N. Carpenter, “Davidson’s transcendental argumentation”, in Jeff Malpas, ed., From Kant to Davidson: Philosophy and the Idea of the Transcendental, Routledge, 2003, 219-237).

Plagiarism is widely considered to be a serious crime against both the law protecting intellectual property and the most fundamental ethical principles governing scientific research. Organon F adheres to these principles and does not tolerate any activity which goes against them. Unfortunately, at the time of publication, neither our reviewers nor the editors were able to detect that the paper submitted by Mahmoud Khatami was a plagiarism. Organon F fell victim to an immoral and unlawful act.

We would like to apologize to Andrew N. Carpenter as well as to the readers for circulating the paper.