Detail príspevku/publikácie

A Note on Plural Logic

Organon F, 2010, roč. 17, č. 2, s. 150-162.
Súbor na stiahnutie: PDF*
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Počet prístupov dnes: 2
Naposledy zobrazené: 18.07.2024 - 10:26
Počet stiahnutí PDF: 861


A distinction is introduced between itemized and non-itemized plural predication. It is argued that a full-fledged system of plural logic is not necessary in order to account for the validity of inferences concerning itemized collective predication. Instead, it is shown how this type of inferences can be adequately dealt with in a first-order logic system, after small modifications on the standard treatment. The proposed system, unlike plural logic, has the advantage of preserving completeness. And as a result, inferences such as ‘Dick and Tony emptied the bottle, hence Tony and Dick emptied the bottle’ are shown to be first-order.

*Príspevok je chránený zákonom o autorskom práve a právach súvisiacich s autorským právom (autorský zákon).