Content of the Number
Černík, V. | Aristotle on Practical Reasoning | [Abstract] | [PDF] | 279-291 |
Gahér, F. | The Stoics' Semantics | [Abstract] | [PDF] | 292-320 |
Riška, A. | Whitehead as a Logician | [Abstract] | [PDF] | 321-327 |
Tichý, P. | Particulars and their Roles (IV) | [PDF] | 328-333 |
Cmorej, P. - Rybár, J. | Piaget's Conception of Logical and Mathematical Entities | [PDF] | 334-353 |
Sedová, T. | Post-Modern Situation and the Situation of Post-Modernism | [PDF] | 354-362 |
Cmorej, P. | From Logical Syntax and Semantics | [PDF] | 363-372 |
Kamhal, D. | Willard Van Ornam Quine: Hledání pravdy | [PDF] | 373-375 | |
Hanzel, I. | Miroslav Král: Změna paradigmatu vědy | [PDF] | 376-379 |