Article/Publication Details

Anaphoric Chain;

(Original title: Anaforický reťazec)
Organon F, 2013, vol. 20, Supplementary Issue 2, pp. 140-159.
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This paper deals with the problem of semantic analysis of contexts involving so-called anaphoric chain. The notion of anaphoric chain is explained by way of an example. Afterwards, a semantic analysis of sentences containing anaphora established in Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) is examined. It is demonstrated that it is not adequate for texts including anaphoric chains. An alternative method using TIL that is capable to deal with all kinds of anaphora is proposed. Anyway, one may raise doubts as to whether both approaches are really analyses of anaphorically used expressions.


Anaphora, Antecedent, constituent, SUB function, Tr function

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