Article/Publication Details

On Pragmatic and Non-Pragmatic Concept of Explanation

(Original title: On Pragmatic and Non-Pragmatic Concept of Explanation)
Organon F, 2006, vol. 13, No 3, pp. 334-348.
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This paper attempts to analyze in detail the difference between a pragmatic and non-pragmatic approach to explanation. Proponents of a pragmatic explanation analyze it by means of the concepts of context or audience. However, there could be various disguises of this type of approach. It is possible to include pragmatic concepts into the characterization of the item to be explained or the item that explains. On the other hand, pragmatic approach may focus on the specific relation between the item to be explained or the item that explains and context or audience. Finally, the paper underlines that there is a distinction between a pragmatic approach to explanation and the pragmatics of explanation, which should not be ignored.

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