Article/Publication Details

Intentionality and What We Can Learn About It from Searle’s Theory of Institutions

(Original title: Intentionality and What We Can Learn About It from Searle’s Theory of Institutions)
Organon F, 2012, vol. 19, Supplementary Issue 2, pp. 83-92.
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Searle’s theory of institutions is based on the insight that institutional facts are created in intentionality, and it consists in the logical analysis of the intentional performance in which the institutional facts are created. The aim of this paper is to relate Searle’s account of intentionality as creating institutional facts to his general account of intentionality elaborated in his book Intentionality. An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind. I come with the claim that the imposition of status function, that characterizes the intentional performance in which institutional facts are created, consists in double prescription of conditions of satisfaction, where ones of them are related to our goals and interests while the other ones are independent of them. I suggest that this holds true for intentionality in general.


conditions of satisfaction, institution, intentionality, status function

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