Article/Publication Details

John Searle’s Theory of Sign

(Original title: John Searle’s Theory of Sign)
Organon F, 2012, vol. 19, Supplementary Issue 2, pp. 148-160.
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The article attempts to link John Searle’s philosophy and the area that is traditionally called semiotics, to bridge these domains and to demonstrate that they do relate to a shared bunch of problems. A brief discussion about the basic semiotic terms suggests that Searle’s philosophy offers an explanatory framework to key semiotic questions, namely the differentiation of non-signs and signs, the place of intentionality in semiotic description, and the nature of sign correlations. As a consequence, Searle’s theory can be called communication-oriented semiotics, which in the light of classical concepts developed by Peirce and de Saussure can be seen as a non-trivial contribution to the semiotic research.


arbitrariness, de Saussure Ferdinand, intentionality, Peirce Charles S., representation, Searle John, semiotics, sign function

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