Naši autori

Yang, Sunny

Príspevky v časopise Organon F


Yang, S. Do Emotions Have Directions of Fit?. Organon F, 2016, roč. 23, č. 1, s. 32-49. (State)
[Abstrakt] [PDF] BibTex EndNote Tagged EndNote XML RIS RTF


Yang, S. Emotion, Experiential Memory and Selfhood. Organon F, 2013, roč. 20, č. 1, s. 18-36. (State)
[Abstrakt] [PDF] BibTex EndNote Tagged EndNote XML RIS RTF


Yang, S. Emotion, Intentionality and Appropriateness of Emotion. Organon F, 2009, roč. 16, č. 1, s. 82-104. (State)
[Abstrakt] [PDF] BibTex EndNote Tagged EndNote XML RIS RTF