Detail príspevku/publikácie

O realistických a antirealistických tendenciách v ontológii predmetov

Organon F, 2012, vol. 19, Supplementary Issue 1, pp. 255-272.
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Počet stiahnutí PDF: 794


The paper identifies basic requirements that should be answered by an object ontology. It sheds light on the two major approaches to objects – reductive and non-reductive – in order to expose their difficulties in satisfying those requirements. The aim of the paper is to uncover realistic and antirealistic tendencies in both approaches.

Kľúčové slová

antirealism, bundle theory, objects, ontology, realism, substratum theory

*Príspevok je chránený zákonom o autorskom práve a právach súvisiacich s autorským právom (autorský zákon).