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A Pessimistic Induction against Scientific Antirealism

Organon F, 2014, roč. 21, č. 1, s. 3-21.
Jazyk: English
Súbor na stiahnutie: PDF*
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Naposledy zobrazené: 09.12.2024 - 23:52
Počet stiahnutí PDF: 1048


There are nine antirealist explanations of the success of science in the literature. I raise difficulties against all of them except the latest one, and then construct a pessimistic induction that the latest one will turn out to be problematic because its eight forerunners turned out to be problematic. This pessimistic induction is on a par with the traditional pessimistic induction that successful present scientific theories will be revealed to be false because successful past scientific theories were revealed to be false.

Kľúčové slová

Pessimistic induction, scientific antirealism, success of science

*Príspevok je chránený zákonom o autorskom práve a právach súvisiacich s autorským právom (autorský zákon).