Article/Publication Details

How to Assess Theories of Meaning? Some Notes on the Methodology of Semantics

(Original title: How to Assess Theories of Meaning? Some Notes on the Methodology of Semantics)
Organon F, 2012, vol. 19, No 3, pp. 325-337.
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The paper presents a two-level approach to an assessment of meaning theories. To begin with, language is distinguished from lan guage-model and, analogously, meaning is discerned from a model of meaning. The first level of a theory assessment is presented as dealing with the relation of a model of meaning to intra-theoretical aims and assumptions of a theory with specific language-model. The second level of assessment concerns ontological, epistemological, logical and other assumptions underlying the respective language-model. Finally, several questions are set forth as methodological directives for elucidating hidden assumptions behind the theories of meaning.


language, language-model, meaning, methodology, model of meaning

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