Article/Publication Details

Duch tiaže J. L. Fischera

(Original title: The Spirit of Weight in J. L. Fischer)
Lysý, Jozef
Filozofia, 2021, vol. 76, No 3, pp. 167 – 180.
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The paper discusses the topic of democracy contained in the philosophical concept of Josef Ludvík Fischer (1894 – 1973). The starting point is the idea of respect to the Order of Reality flowing into the theory of "structural democracy“. J. L. Fisher eventually arrives at the questions of freedom, the topic of our options to re-create reality, depending on our desire, on our heroism, and on the type of perfect order we are willing to create.


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Journal Filozofia

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
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Journal Organon F

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
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