PhD study topics for the academic year 2024/2025

Tutor: prof. PhDr. Břetislav Horyna, PhD. * Study program 2.1.3. history of philosophy * Study form: full-time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, UPJS in Košice
Tutor: Mgr. Marcel Martinkovič, PhD. * Study program 2.1.3. history of philosophy * Study form: full-time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, UPJS in Košice
Tutor: prof. PhDr. Břetislav Horyna, PhD. * Study program The student will elaborate a problem analysis of the concept * Study form: full time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: doc. Mgr. Richard Sťahel, PhD. * Study program 2.1.3. history of philosophy * Study form: full-time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, UPJS in Košice
Tutor: Mgr. Martin Vacek, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: PhDr. Daniela Vacek, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: Prof. h.c. Jon Stewart, PhD. * Study program 2.1.3. history of philosophy * Study form: full-time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, UPJS in Košice
Tutor: prof. Dr. Phil. Martin Muránsky, PhD. * Study program 2.1.3. history of philosophy * Study form: full-time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, UPJS in Košice
Tutor: prof. PhDr. Břetislav Horyna, PhD. * Study program 2.1.3. history of philosophy * Study form: full-time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, UPJS in Košice
Tutor: Matteo Pascucci, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: Mgr. Miloš Kosterec, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: Matteo Pascucci, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: Prof. h.c. Jon Stewart, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: doc. Mgr. Jaroslava Vydrová, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: Mgr. Róbert Karul, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: doc. Mgr. Richard Sťahel, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: prof. Mgr. Mgr. Peter Šajda, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: Mgr. Marcel Martinkovič, PhD. * Study program 2.1.3. history of philosophy * Study form: full-time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, UPJS in Košice
Tutor: prof. Dr. Phil. Martin Muránsky, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full ti,eëxternql * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: prof. PhDr. Břetislav Horyna, PhD. * Study program 2.1.3. history of philosophy * Study form: full-time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, UPJS in Košice
Tutor: PhDr. Daniela Vacek, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time/external * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: Mgr. Miloš Kosterec, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tutor: Mgr. Martin Vacek, PhD. * Study program 2.1.2. systematic philosophy * Study form: full time * Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava

Filozofia - New Supplement

Bratislava : Filozofický ústav SAV, v. v. i., 2023

From the table of content:

HORYNA, Břetislav
Principles of Environmental Political Philosophy

MENDES, João Ribeiro
Thinking Planetary Thinking

PARKES, Graham
Can Humanity Survive the Anthropocene? It Depends on Who We Think We Are

Freedom in the Anthropocene: Bringing Political Philosophy to Global Environmental Problems

SANKOWSKI, Edward and HARRIS, Betty J.
Capitalism, Communism, Environmentalism, and the Ideology of Freedom


Latest Monographs

Kuchtová, A., Jabre, E., Hidalgo, A.Orozco,
Paris, 2024

Le séminaire La vie la mort a été donné par Jacques Derrida en 1975-1976 à l’École normale supérieure, en vue de la préparation à l’agrégation de philosophie. Derrida en publia plusieurs extraits de son vivant. Néanmoins, une grande partie du séminaire resta inédite jusqu’en 2019, conservée dans ses archives : il s’agissait de la presque totalité d’une lecture critique de l’interprétation de Nietzsche par Heidegger, et d’une approche frontale de l’un des textes fondateurs de la biologie moléculaire, La logique du vivant de François Jacob.

Dans De la grammatologie, Derrida avait déjà établi avec clarté la relation entre sa pensée de la trace ou de l’écriture généralisée, et la question du vivant et de son historicité. Bien que cet aspect de la pensée derridienne soit central, ce n’est que depuis la publication de La vie la mort qu’un intérêt pour ces rapports s’est affirmé. Il continue d’alimenter des débats qui positionnent la pensée déconstructive face à des options contemporaines comme le nouveau réalisme, le nouveau matérialisme, la pensée biopolitique ou l’organologique. La vie la mort fournit ainsi des éléments précieux pour repenser le statut des sciences,...

Martinkovič, M.
Bratislava, 2024

The publication, from different research perspectives, selected ideological and philosophical overlaps that have influenced the development of Slovak philosophical and political thought. The authors approach the issue of exploring national philosophies in a Central European context through an emphasis on the intersection of philosophical narratives. The publication introduces the way in which European philosophical initiatives manifested themselves within Slovak philosophical thought. The themes on which the authors of the monograph have focused are united by the search for answers to the questions of the relationship between culture and politics, the importance of humanizing social institutions, and overcoming the principle of ethnic nationalism. The conceptual anchor of the studies is the characterization of the philosophical and political contribution of selected thinkers who, by emphasizing the principle of pluralism, brought to national philosophy and the collective identity of Slovaks an emphasis on the defense of civil rights and values.
Stewart, J., Bravo, N.
Leiden - Boston, 2023

The articles in The Modern Experience of the Religious, edited by Nassim Bravo and Jon Stewart, explore the many ways in which religion was impacted by the emergence of modernity, particularly after the Enlightenment, which underscored the centrality of human reason and thus called into question traditional forms of religiosity. Modernity raised several questions that are studied by the authors of this volume: What should be the role of religion in a secular or pluralistic society? How does the human being relate to God? Can instituted religion be compatible with modern values such as civil liberties, pluralism or environmentalism? The publication is an output of the project APVV-20-0137 Philosophical Anthropology in the Context of Current Crises of Symbolic Structures.
Horyna, B., Sťahel, R.
Title in English: Introduction to Environmental Political Philosophy
Praha, 2023

The book is an attempt to identify the main principles of a new political philosophy corresponding to the parameters of the Anthropocene, i.e. the geological-climatic epoch of the planetary system in which the negative influence of man on planetary cycles and evolutionary processes exceeds the influence of geological forces. Humanity has become the dominant force affecting all components of the planetary ecosystem (biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere) and its activities bring with them problems that affect the social and political spheres. An Introduction to Environmental Political Philosophy illustrates these problems, examines their causes and phenomena, and seeks to understand them in detail. The book does not formulate cheap populist solutions or serve as a political agenda. Rather, it presents philosophical analyses of ecologically, sociologically, politically, and economically contingent phenomena in order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the socio-political situation of the Anthropocene.
Sťahel, R., Dědečková, E.
Leiden, 2023

It is extremely difficult to seek new paths in the twilight of our former idols, ideals and visions of a happy and successful life. The authors of the book invite the reader to embark on this journey in a free-spirited manner and to look at the challenges posed by the new climate regime from different perspectives. Whether one accepts the concept of the Anthropocene as a starting point, or rather as an opportunity for constructive criticism, readers will be fully engaged by thinking through historical-philosophical, scientific, political, social, as well as educational problems.

Sedová, T.
Title in English: Human Rghts: Between Theory and Practice
Bratislava, 2023

The monograph thematizes the issue of human rights with regard to the possibilities and limits of philosophical analysis. Against the background of the explanation of the differences between the philosophical-moral, political and legal approach, the question of the justification of the idea of human rights, its universality, and various approaches (from anthropological, internalist, externalist justification) is emphasized, while the question of the relativity of human rights is also thematized. Criticism of the idea of human rights and its current forms is also examined (Alain de Benoist, Roger Scruton). In particular, the idea of human dignity as the basis of human rights from a historical and systematic perspective is critically analyzed and its limitations are pointed out, while Kant's idea of the practical freedom of autonomy is critically reflected. Against the background of relevant domestic and foreign literature, the relationship between individual and collective rights is also assessed and the inadequacy of the liberal and neoliberal preference of the individual's political and civil rights over social rights is analyzed. In this context, the experience of limiting...
Horyna, B.
Leiden - Boston, 2023

This book is a philosophical-historical examination of the influence of the knowledge of China imparted by the Jesuits on the thinking of the German Enlightenment in the 18th century. It is not primarily concerned with a comprehensive reconstruction of the philosophy of the thinkers discussed, but rather with the political and intellectual contextualisation of a line of thought that recognised the practical philosophy and state organisation of China as different from that of Europe, while equal to it and in some respects superior to it. This challenged the claim of theology that Christian revelation alone provided access to truth. The volume analyses the opposition to this line of thought, especially on the part of Protestant orthodoxy. It argues that in the German Enlightenment of the 18th century, the possibility emerged to conceive philosophy on the basis of reason as a phenomenon not limited to Europe but as a path followed under different conditions in China.

Young Philosophy 2023 Conference Proceedings

Kulcsár, D. - Sábo, J. (eds.)
Bratislava : Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, v. v. i. 2023

This volume of Young Philosophy Conference Proceedings presents some of the texts, which were delivered at the XVIII annual international conference for Ph.D. students and young researchers, at the Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. The editors have made a careful selection of papers that they think capture best the spirit of this conference. Their aim with this anthology is two-fold. First, to provide insight into the variety of engaging topics, which were explored. Second, it is their hope that these proceedings will inspire more researchers to participate in Young Philosophy in the future. It does not matter if you are a veteran or a new-comer, we want to hear all your voices. In the meantime, enjoy this selection, which we hope, will provide ample “food for thought”.


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Journal Filozofia

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
Filozofia Editorial Office
Klemensova 19
811 09 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
Tel.: +4212 5292 1215
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Address for correspondence:

Filozofický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Filozofia Editorial Office
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813 64 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Journal Organon F

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
Organon F Editorial Office
Klemensova 19
811 09 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
Tel.: +4212 5292 1215
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Address for correspondence:

Filozofický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Organon F Editorial Office
P. O. Box 3364
813 64 Bratislava
Slovak Republic