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PhD study topics for the academic year 2024/2025
Is Philosophy of History Possible Today?Annotation:While the philosophy of history was a thriving field in the 19th century, it has become increasingly insignificant in contemporary philosophy. Today both the postmodern and the analytic theories reject the idea of progress or meaning in history, which was central to traditional theories. Is it possible to do philosophy of history without these ideas? Is the philosophy of history still a viable field in philosophy today or should it be regarded as an antiquated paradigm? |
Philosophy in the Post-Truth AgeAnnotation:It is often claimed that we live in a post-truth age where people have become suspicious of all truth claims, while conspiracy theories and misinformation thrive. These claims are often followed by laments about levelling, relativism, and nihilism. According to its etymology, philosophy means the love of wisdom or we might say the love of truth. If we live in a post-truth age, is there any room left for philosophy? What is the meaning of philosophy in such an age? Does philosophy face a crisis with the lapse of belief in the truth? |