The evolution of J. Lovelock´s thinking: From Gaia theory through sustainable retreat concept up to novacene concept


Richard Sťahel

Študijný odbor: 

2.1.3. history of philosophy

Forma štúdia: 


Fakulta - VŠ: 

Školský rok: 



James Lovelock is one of the key figures of environmental thinking. His Gaia theory significantly influenced thinking about the relationship between humanity and the environment, respectively Earth system, to the extent that the authors of the Anthropocene concept also support it as one of starting points. However, J. Lovelock´s thinking went through several phases. The aim of this work is to map this development and analyze its relevance for environmental philosophy.


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Journal Filozofia

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
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Journal Organon F

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
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