Philosophy as paideia


Róbert Karul

Študijný odbor: 

2.1.2. systematic philosophy

Forma štúdia: 


Fakulta - VŠ: 

Školský rok: 



The question of teaching philosophy has been part of philosophy from the beginning. The anamnesis, the remembrance of the insight of ideas, was achieved, among other things, in a dialectical dialogue, called maieutics. The problem of the relationship between philosophy and learning was revived in the 20th century by P. Hadot with his presentation of ancient philosophy in the form of "spiritual exercis-es". He thus provoked a controversy in which his opponent was M. Foucault. In contemporary French philosophical discourse, the actuality of the topic is maintained by theoretical initiatives that have not yet been discussed in our context.


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Journal Filozofia

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Journal Organon F

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
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