Article/Publication Details

From Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Reality

(Original title: From Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Reality)
Žižek, Slavoj
Filozofia, 2023, vol. 78, No 6, pp. 409 - 428.
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Throughout the 20th century, quantum mechanics was celebrated as the ultimate proof that modern science is leaving behind deterministic mechanical materialism and admitted that it is dealing with non-material entities; moreover, the notion that our reality takes place through being observed opens up to a subjectivist denial of objective reality. Some quantum scientists themselves claimed that the only way to account for our entire universe is to presuppose a global external observer (i.e., God). The text rejects not only this direct theological solution but also the traditional “realist” stance which secretly relies on a divine dimension (the divine status of natural laws). It proposes a reading of the ontological implications of quantum physics which opens up the way for a consequent materialism, even if, from a traditional reading, this may appear to be an odd materialism without matter.


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Journal Filozofia

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Journal Organon F

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