Detail príspevku/publikácie

Mäkkýše, Aristoteles a deti

Organon F, 1996, roč. 3, č. 4, s. 359-367.
Súbor na stiahnutie: PDF*
BibTex EndNote Tagged EndNote XML RIS

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Naposledy zobrazené: 08.12.2024 - 02:13
Počet stiahnutí PDF: 848


The paper is written on the honour of Jean Piaget´s centenary. His work can be seen very heterogeneous on the first sight. He was concerned about molluscs, psychogenesis of children and the history of science. I am trying to show that what unites these different disciplines is Piaget´s ability to “perceive” epistemological problems. That makes possible to go through many disciplines and to be preciously consisted and integrated.

*Príspevok je chránený zákonom o autorskom práve a právach súvisiacich s autorským právom (autorský zákon).