Termín prihlášky:
Miesto konania:
Dátum konania:
Keynote Speakers:
TAKASHI YAGISAWA (California State University, Northridge) TUOMAS TAHKO (University of Helsinki)
We invite submission for a 30 minute presentation followed by 5 minute comments and a 15 minute discussion. Areas of interest might include (but are not limited to):
methodology of metaphysics, metaphysics of modality, the ontology of possible and impossible worlds, logic of possible and impossible worlds, counterfactuals.
A paper of approximately 3000 words should be prepared for blind review and include a cover page with the full name, title, institution and contact information. Files can be submitted in pdf or doc(x) and should be sent to modalmetaphysics@gmail.com.
Deadline for submission: April 30, 2014
Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2014
The authors selected for the conference will be invited to contribute to a special issue of the journal of analytic philosophy Organon F (www.klemens.sav.sk/fiusav/organon/?q=en). If you wish to submit a paper, or would like any further details, please, email us to the above address or visit the conference website www.metaphysics.sk.
Organizing committee: Lukáš Bielik, Martin Vacek, Marián Zouhar